Give a Gift TodayDonate via Paypal below.
Mail cash or check donations to:
Stepping Stones
P.O. Box 1366
Bloomington, IN 47402
NAP Tax Credits Stepping Stones has been awarded $15,505 in tax credits this year!

Here's how it works:

1. Make a donation of any value over $100 dated after August 2, 2013.
2. Please write “NAP” in the reference field or memo line of your check.
3. Regarding the paperwork:

1. Follow the link below to fill in or print out Stepping Stones' Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit Form.

2. If you’re donating as a couple, please use and sign with only one name;

3. Return the signed form with the original signature along with your contribution in the enclosed envelope (or send it in separately if you choose to donate online).

Donations can be mailed to Stepping Stones P.O. Box 1366, Bloomington, IN 47402. If you're interested, make sure to contact us as soon as possible to reserve your credits! These are going to go fast!

We can be reached by email at or at (812) 339-9771.